Thank you Heritage Foundation!
Now I can be prepared for the tough questions about what is Constitutional, and what is not. This pocket Constitution will no doubt prove useful when dispelling the demons of ignorance.
This pocket Constitution is rumored to act against socialists and fascists like a cross to a vampire.
Our liberties are being eroded because of public ignorance and apathy. Don't be a part of the problem, get yourself a free pocket Constitution today. Ummm - then read it! ;)
If you don't educate yourself and do something about eroding liberties, you'll have no one to blame but yourself. And, since I'm doing everything I can to increase awareness and vote in representatives that vow to uphold the constitution, I'll blame you too. ;)
If more people had pocket constitutions in the NY 23rd Congressional District, we might have been saved from spoiling our long standing tradition of not voting for Democrats. These days, Democrats and Republicans are just two sides of the same coin. We can no longer blindly vote for the party of our choice. We can no longer allow vocal opposition for or against the latest "issue" to force our hands to vote one way or the other. We need to evaluate our representatives and executive leaders based upon their willingness to adhere to the rules established in our Constitution. Every year, it seems, the Executive branch is taking more and more authority away from the Legislative Branch. We need strong legislative representatives who will stand up to such advances. We need to restore our currency to its former glory by removing the men, women, and institutions that uphold our current fiat monetary system.
I hope you support Ron Paul's effort to Audit the Federal Reserve. This will be the first step in taking back our country. Let's return to the ways of responsibility and accountability that allowed us to achieve all that we have. Please sign the petition, and help spread the word by checking out the social networking links at the bottom of the page.
I completely agree with your point. But ah that little thing called apathy. Ben Franklin and other founding fathers warned of it oh so many years ago, as if they may have known. They did! But here we are living in the middle of the most wealth ever created by mankind. The average citizen (peasants) enjoy a comfortable existense. Inevitably apathy seeps in and spreads like a virus. Its not laziness. Plenty of people are working many hours and educating themselves like never before in the history of man. But these same citizens feel more disconected then ever before. What is it? Talk to an old timer about when he/she was young. Life was diferent of course but they felt connected. Whats the difference? Everyone who actually thinks about this stuff will have different answers for sure, however there is only one thing that can be done about it... ENGAGE! or pass the ammo.