Dear Friends,
When my fellow Americans get upset about Wikileaks publishing U.S. government/military secrets on their website, I have to remind them that we do not have a declaration of war on any foreign state at this time. Now there are voices demanding the creators and maintainers of the Wikileaks website be labeled as terrorists. Such a move would endanger the Liberty of every American. You must take the time to learn about our Constitution, or we are doomed to lose those things that define American Freedom.
Some will argue that these are "new times", and that the old rules of the United States Constitution no longer apply. I beg to differ. Our Constitution is just as valid and necessary as it ever was - if not more so. Being a former member of the Unites States Air Force, I still remember the oath I swore to protect our government and our Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Today, I see domestic enemies seeking to dismantle our sovereignty, and extinguish Lady Liberty's Torch.
What we have here is a run of madness within our government. Wikileaks has not stolen the information they are posting - much of it was given to them by men, who just like me, swore to protect our nation from all enemies both foreign and domestic. These men (and/or women) see first hand that all is not what it should be. They have risked their own liberty in a hope that enough people will see the truth, and react soon enough to avoid what is otherwise the quickening march toward tyranny.
Each administration has been emboldened by those who came before and spurned the rules, ignored the rules, or made up their own rules. The policies of "printing money as we need it", ignoring the Bill of Rights and spying on Americans have become a "necessary evil" in the eyes of many. Unreasonable searches and seizures are fast becoming the accepted norm to "help fight terrorism"; and driving our economy into the ground while amassing debt to a Communist Nation (China) has become a problem of emergency proportions. All the while we continue to go to war without declarations of war.
Why are we allowing all of this to happen on our watch? Do we feel disempowered by the precedents of wrong-doing that we grew up with? Do we feel powerless to question the actions of our leaders? Are we completely ignorant of the agreement we are all working under, namely, The Constitution of The United States? Whatever the reason, we have moved into dangerous waters. Our course will not "auto-correct". Something must be done, or our nation is doomed.
We have taken to a policy of re-defining words, or coming up with new terms to define age old things. Even though we live in a digital age, and we are surrounded by seemingly new products and services and ideas every day - it can still be said that "there is nothing new under the sun".
You cannot have a "War on Terror", anymore than you can have a "War on Drugs". These notions should be left for Poets, not Politicians. If we are going to kill, we had better have a good reason we can all get behind. This is why only Congress (the representatives of the people and the States) MUST decide if war should be declared. This is not some fanciful idea I came up with on my own. Our Constitution clearly states, in black and white terms, that ONLY Congress shall have the power to declare war. So, what does Congress do when the Executive Branch decides to go to war and call it something else? Nothing. Since before I was born those rules were blurred. We have come up with exceptions that have been used without proper cause.
If you told your child that you were going out for the evening, and that you decided that they could not have any friends over while you were away; but, you came home to find their company in the kitchen drinking beer and playing cards, what would you do? You might say, "Wasn't I clear? I said, no friends in the house while we were away." And then, your son or daughter might turn to you and say, "You said no friends. These aren't my friends. They are my gambling associates. Believe me, with all of your money I lost tonight - these are not my friends". What would you do? You would do something. Congress has done nothing, if not encourage such behavior by refusing to stand up for one of their enumerated powers.
Terrorism is the act of an individual, or a group of individuals. Terrorism is a crime - not an act of war. We should work with the nations that harbor terrorists to bring them to justice. If these nations fail to comply - either through a lack of will or incompetence - then perhaps a declaration of War is in order. That is a decision for Congress - because Congress is a representation of "we the people". It is a hard call to make - but it has to be made. If we decide no war - then we don't get to bomb a countryside back into the stone age. If we decide War - then we go to war with one voice. We are divided now, because the tail is wagging the dog.
If there is a Clear and Present Danger - then - of course we must act. But when that happens - everything else should stop - and the question should be put to Congress: War or immediate withdrawal? In the cases of immediate withdrawal, it would seem that the next order of business should be impeachment proceedings.
Congress is and should be as powerful as the Executive Branch. It does not appear to be the case today.
So, my friends, before you get in an uproar about an organization ( that is publishing facts provided to it by US Patriots, I beg you take a hard look at what we are doing to our nation by our lack of integrity with the US Constitution. For the love of Liberty and the only nation under God to declare that Liberty as an inalienable right, please educate yourself about our Constitution before it is too late.
Yours in Liberty,
Kenneth R. Walling Jr.
aka - Metajunkie