I recently watched a very interesting video about the Mayan Calendar. It seems not everyone believes that doomsday is set to arrive in 2012. I rented the DVD through Netflix, but afterward found the video available on the web (see the above link).
The production quality is poor; and, when I first started watching it I thought, "Oh boy, what kind of crap did I rent this time?" I always give everything I rent a fair chance though. In this case, I'm glad I did. The speaker, Ian Xel Lungold, was a decent public speaker, and had some very interesting ideas to share.
Perhaps least interesting, but worthy of note, is that the above linked video doesn't even talk about 2012. The "event", which is about a transition of consciousness, is set to occur in 2011. But don't worry - this 2011 eventuality doesn't involve cars and RVs flying over lava-filled chasms.
The Video in a Nutshell:
The Ancient Mayans apparently used numerous calendars (it seems even more than were presented in this video). While our calendar marks the movement of objects in space, specifically the 365 1/4 day trip the Earth takes around the Sun every year, the Mayans seem to have been more interested in tracking the evolution of consciousness. The cycles of time used by the Mayans track the aspects of creation, and the daily intentions that permeate reality.
Some of the more practical information in the video revolves around differentiating the Mind from the Self (or Soul). When analyzing the Mind simply as one of the many tools we have picked up along this road of evolving consciousness, we can easily see its short-comings. Most notably, a 33 thoughts per second speed limit.
The reality of information overload, and the stress that it causes, is explained in a way that was at once new to me and somehow familiar. While the notion of time as a constant holds firm throughout this video, the belief espoused therein is that creation is happening faster and faster. Perhaps put more plainly: Creation is presenting more and more of itself in smaller quantities of time. This presents more and more choices for us to consider in our daily lives. If we choose to consider these choices with our Minds, we will be using a tool that is operating at 33 thoughts per second. The effect is akin to attempting to drink water from a fire-hose. The actual effect is stress, which if unresolved leads to the Fight or Flight response.
The "Fight or Flight" response and the Mind's choice of "unconsciousness" when overwhelmed are also discussed. The video takes a loose definition of unconsciousness, which includes ways to avoid being conscious of things which are causing us stress. These include all manner of addictions (alcohol, drugs, sex, food, etc.) including the routine use of television to avoid having to "think" about reality, as well as the ultimate evasion, suicide.
There is a wealth of information on this subject, here, which I haven't yet explored. I'm not blessing all of this information as the word of God; but, I am saying it is worth investigating for yourself. Even if you decide your opinions and beliefs don't align with this presentation; I think you will find that it will enhance your own consciousness.
Here is a link to that site's Learning Lab. You will find many links to videos along the left side-bar.